Words of Love
“I compiled the e-mails we received from dear friends in the community after our experience in Mindoro. I never get tired reading them all over and over again as every word carries love, care and assurance that God never fails. Thank you Couples for Christ.”
Thursday, January 22, 2009 4:17 PM
Dear Bro. Felix,
Happy Birthday! What a birthday gift from the Lord! So nice to hear that the usual cheer is back in your home and that your love ones are safe. Regards to Sis Bhing, Nicole and Denise.
God bless,
Bro. Dong, Sis. Marcia and kids
Thursday, January 22, 2009 2:11 PM
Happy birthday, bro!
Thank you for inspiring us with your deep faith in our LORD, service to Him and the community, and for showing us how to be a good husband and father. Indeed, may GOD be glorified! GOD bless and regards to Bing, Ate Nicole and Ate Cha.
Bobbit, Soy, Tobit, Raj and Ate Jellie
Thursday, January 22, 2009 1:34 PM
God loves you and you’re family so much bro… We’ll offer our thanks to the Lord for His mercy.
God bless.
Allan Villagarcia
Thursday, January 22, 2009 12:40 PM
Praise God for the healing of ate Bhing and Nicole.
God bless
Alan & roselle
Thursday, January 22, 2009 12:36 PM
Subject: [cfc-hk] Thank You
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I would like to thank you all for your prayers, Bhing will be discharged today from the hospital after being operated last Tuesday. Although some intermittent pains are felt on the affected area, she’s now in her usual self, masaya at tumatawa pa. The operation lasted quite long, as she was ushered to the OR at 12:00 noon, she was transferred back to the ward at 5:00pm. Maybe other procedures were carried out I don’t know, the good thing is she’s fine now. Nicole is back to her being Ate to Denise, “do this, don’t do that.. and those obvious overbearing facial acts towards the little sister”, in effect a great relief to see the usual cheer in the house. Salamat po ng marami, again a wonderful gift from Him specially for this day, my birthday.
Thank you so much, may God be praised!
God bless,
Monday, January 19, 2009 11:58 AM
Dear Nonoy and family,
We rejoice at the turn of events for Nicole and Bhing. God is truly an answering God and he listens to the prayers of those who believe and trust in Him. We continue to pray for everything to return to normal for Nicole, Bhing, and your whole family.
God Bless,
Daddy Pong & Mommy Pat
Sunday, January 18, 2009 10:40 AM
Dear Felix & Bhing,
We are praying for your family. Don’t be afraid. God is always by your side. He knows everything we need and He will never abandon us. I have attached St. Josemaria, founder of Opus Dei, prayer card for you and Bhing to ask favors.
God bless and hugs to you, Bhing & Nicole & Denise,
Sunday, January 18, 2009 9:04 AM
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Peace! My sincerest thanks for all your prayers.
Bhing is still in PrincessMargaretHospital. The doctors did not operate her as earlier advised but went through a stage by stage process of pulling the two bones apart for alignment. At every stage she was sedated so she didn’t know how it was done. Only yesterday at about 5:00 pm that the second round was carried out. They cast it to control mobility and to avoid dislocation. If the alignment is still not met after these two stages, then they will perform the required operation. Bhing is still in high spirits and we believe God is listening to our prayers for her complete healing as well as for Nicole’s. I created a simple illustration of the damage for easy understanding. My only worry and also Bhing’s is that PMH doesn’t provide us immediate information of what they are doing and what they intend to do. Bhing is left alone and she felt no one is attending to her. The nurses are tight-lipped as they are not authorized to speak about the details of the procedure. I just comforted her telling her that this is normal in a government hospital, and God will never, never leave us. We have brothers and sisters praying for you and the whole family, so just be glad and praise God for them! Once again, thank you very much.
God bless,
Friday, January 16, 2009 9:32 PM
Dear brothers and sisters,
Please include sister Bhing Barraca in your prayers. They went to PrincessMargaretHospital this afternoon to have her left hand checked and assessed for operation. She was admitted right away and her operation will be anytime tonight.
No other details yet as of this moment.
Thanks and God Bless!!!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009 2:28 PM
Subject: Praise God
Dear Bro felix and Sis Bhing,
We will pray for your continuous healing especially physically and emotionally on what had happened. GOD is really GOOD ‘coz HE protected you and your family especially Nicole.
INgat kayo and God bless
Allan and Roselle
Monday, January 12, 2009 11:38 AM
Subject: God Speed!
Dear Nonoy,
We affirm that everything will be fine during Nicole’s post-op examination. The Lord has held her and your family close to His sacred heart from the very beginning of that traumatic experience up to the present. God surely does not forsake those who call upon His name. Many people, us included, have been praying continuously for her speedy and complete recovery. We know that you will be going back to the Philippines to accompany Nicole and Bhing back to Hong Kong. We join many others in wishing you all “God speed.”
God Bless,
Daddy Pong & Mommy Pat

Monday, January 05, 2009 12:25 PM
Dear Felix,
Happy New Year ! Happy to know your are back in Hong Kong. We continue to pray for Nicole and Bhing’s quick recovery. Hope to see you all soon.
God bless!
Roy & Glenda
Sunday, January 04, 2009 11:15 AM
Subject: [cfc-hk] Thank You Very Much
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Peace to all of us!
From the bottom of our hearts, we would like to express our sincerest thanks for everything you have done to save the life of our daughter Nicole. Indeed, your great love conquered the works of the dark, your stars shone upon us, brighten up our lives, brought hope and calmed us down. Salamat po ng marami.
Our 10 years of marriage was capped with this overwhelming challenge. But with your support and prayers, we have been comforted, enhanced the bond of the family specialy for us, husband and wife. We could not have overcome our greatest fear of losing Nicole if not for your calls, your text messages and most of all – your prayers. We indeed experienced first hand God’s miracle happening in our lives, we are witnesses to His great love, truly God works wonders!
I am now in Hong Kong along with Denise and Gierlyn, we arrived yesterday. Nicole is now recuperating in Cavite, awaiting for the stitches to be removed on the 12th, by which time I will be in Manila and will fly back to Hongkong along with Bhing and Nicole on the 14th or 15th. We decided to have Bhing’s broken index finger treated in Hong Kong as it is going to be a long process.
Our great appreciation for the unwavering support of this community. Please allow me to mention some names. Dr. Frank Purugganan, our brother doctor in St. Luke’s, and Mr. and Mrs. Pancho Lopez-Tan who arranged for the admission of Nicole in St. Luke’s. I may not be able to mention everyone, but you know who you are and from our hearts – Thank You Very Much!.
“Because every child of God is able to defeat the world and we win the victory over the world by means of our faith!” 1 JOHN 5:4
“But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” I COR 15:57
God bless,
Monday, December 29, 2008 5:28 PM
Subject: How is everybody?
We feel very sad to what happen in your family but praising god also because I heard that the operation of Nicole was succesful. I was trying to call you twice this morning and afternoon but somehow the signal here is not so good. The only thing we could do at the moment is to continue pray for all of you particularly the fast recovery of Nicole and Sis Bhing.
God Bless to all of you there.
Wilfredo “Adhee” Daluz
Communication Technology Group
HK Applied Science and Technology
Research Institute Co. Ltd.
Monday, December 29, 2008 11:34 AM
Subject: speedy recovery
Dear Bro Felix & Sis Bhing,
We hope na mag tuloy tuloy naman ang pag galing ni Nicole at ni Sis Bhing. Mabuti naman at sa awa ng Diyos ay wala ng iba pang masamang nangyari. You are truly in God’s hands during that moments. We are continuously praying for your safety at lalo na sa tuluyang pag galing ni Nicole. Huwag kayong masyadong mag alala. At happy anniversary. Salamat at nagiging maayos na ang lahat. Bro Felix ikamusta mo na lnag kami kay Sis Bhing at kisses sa mga kids. Praise the Lord for his marvelous deeds.
Love & prayers,
Caloy & Rose
Sunday, December 28, 2008 6:50 PM
Subject: RE: [cfc-hk] Prayer Request for Barraca Family – Update 4
Hi! I am very shocked upon reading what happened thinking that I met you at the airport before you left HKG! I am also glad to hear that our Lord J.C. is working miraculously on sis Bhing esp. Nicole!! Please rest assured that you have always been in my daily prayers esp. now after reading about your tragic accident!!
Hope to see you soon & praying for your continued safety for the remainder of your stay there. Congratulations on your 10th Year together!! You always looked on the brighter side of things.. and that’s why I will always look up to you as one of my “Kuya’s in HKG” =)
Bro, ingat kayo palagi… ‘Til then
Sunday, December 28, 2008 6:05 PM
Subject: Barraca Family – HK Arrival
We are truly heartened to hear the news on both Nicole and Sis. Bhing and remain ‘by your side’ through all this, even if just in spirit.
When you arrive back in HK – it would be my (our) pleasure to pick you up from the HK Airport and take you home – safely and in comfort.
Just let me know the flight number, date of arrival and time….I’ll be there to meet you – any time of the day or night.
Steve & Ema
Sunday, December 28, 2008 3:36 PM
Subject: Happy New Year!
Dear Brother Felix,
Me. Bobot, and my kids were so shocked and upset when I received a text message from Bro Sonny around midnight of Dec 27 informing us that you met an accident and Nicole was the one who was most hurt. I got so affected because i know how parents, especially a mother, feels when her child is hurt. On that very moment I prayed that God may protect Nicole from any harm and danger and likewise prayed to Mama Mary for Sister Bhing’s strength and courage.I was so worried both of them.
But when i received e-mails from brothers in CFC and from you that Nicole is now safe and also Bhing, I really thank GOD! Praise the LORD for HIS gift to you on your WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!
Please extend our regards to Sister Bhing and the 2 kids and may they get well soon! We may not be present there, but remember that you are in our prayers….
This is really a very “HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and your family”
God bless always,
Sis Ellen, Bro. Bobot and kids
Monday, December 29, 2008 10:34 AM
Dear Bhing & Felix,
There are so many things to thank God for today—- Nicole’s successful operation, your tenth year wedding anniversary and most of all, your unwavering faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Also, today is the feast of the Holy Family and your journey as a family, no matter how difficult, from Romblon to Manila resembles their flight to Egypt. A journey that was taken with a lot of endurance, trust & serenity. And truly, we are in God’s hands.
Rest assured that you are always in our thoughts and prayers. We are constantly praying for your family… and we await your return to Hong Kong. Give Nicole a hug & kiss from all of us especially from Joan & Anne.
God bless,
Matt, Tess, Mica, Therese, Joan & Anne
28 December 2008
Feast of the Holy Family
Sunday, December 28, 2008 3:04 PM
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Peace to you all!!
First, I would like to thank you for the overwhelming support you poured on us during this difficult time. We are so blessed by your calls, text and e-mail messages. From the bottom of our hearts.. We love you all!
This is the first time I open my email since the incident and can’t help but get choked and almost emotional as I read your messages. Thank you!
Nicole is now in stable condition, she recognizes us all and she’s watching TV overhead at the Pedia ICU. Nicole will be in Pedia ICU for one day and may be transferred to a regular ward. The operation was serious as part of her brain and the tissue covering it were affected, the broken skull was taken out, put it back into original form and had steel stitches on it. The doctor reported that as per Nicole’s condition now, there is no manifestation that the brain was damaged. Their focus is in the recovery that no drug reaction will take place, no infection and other post operation problems. My Sister wife Bhing is still in her arm cast. She will have it x-rayed this afternoon. Bro. Pancho and wife Sis. Marlyn, Bro. Romvic and wife Sis Sylvia, Bro. Elmer and Sis Bheng were in the hospital last night where they prayed over us. Our other little angel Denise is with me now in an Internet Cafe opposite St Luke’s and she’s running around trying not to get bored. We celebrate our 10th year wedding anniversary today with God’s love pouring upon the family through this community, through your prayers we’ll survive this crisis.
I will have the details of the incident emailed as soon as I have the chance to use a computer. For now, I just would like to say thank you for your love. We have been comforted. Our dear brothers and sisters from HK , the Philippines and the US are always on standby monitoring the progress of this incident. Salamat sa lahat, alam ko po si Nicole ay okey na at ang kanyang recovery ay tuloy-tuloy through our prayers. We are supposed to fly back to HK on the 3rd of Jan, we’ll see how things take place in the days ahead, we might change the plans.
Again thank you and we love you all!
God bless,
Sat, 27 Dec 2008 20:44:34 -0800
Dear brothers and sisters,
Nicole’s surgery was finished at 10:00am. Praise and thank God, everything went well. She’ll stay in ICU for a day for further observation and then will be transferred to a ward. Nicole is conscious, watches TV, can talk and recognize everybody.
Sis. Bhing will undergo another x-ray today of her fractured bone. Just to double check.
The good outcome of the surgery is a sure gift for Bro. Felix and Sis. Bhing’s 10th wedding anniversary today.
By the way, over telephone conversation, they wish to express their deep gratitude to all who called and expressed their concerns and especially for the many who offered their prayers. Bro. Felix is emotionally overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and love from the community.
Yet, please continue to pray for the fast and smooth recovery of Nicole and Sis. Bhing.
In Christ,
Saturday, 27 December, 2008, 11:28 PM
Dear brothers and sisters,
Belen and I went to St. Luke and met with Bro. Felix and Sis Bhing. Bro. Pancho, Sis Marlyn, Bro. Romvick and his wife sister Sylvia were also there. We prayed over Nicole with special intention for her operation tomorrow morning. from what we heard, the operation is at 700am tomorrow.
let us continue to intercede for nicole’s operation and also sister bhing’s left arm/hand.
Mer and Belen
Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 9:34 PM
Received an update from SIs. Bhing at 9:30pm. They are now at St. Luke’s Hospital and Nicole is now under going all the required laboratory tests and being inserted with a urinary catheter. She is scheduled to be operated at 6:30am tomorrow. Please include them in your prayers, rosaries or mass intentions.
God bless,
Saturday, December 27, 2008 2:51 PM
You can contact Bro. Felix at +639072976480. I just had a short talk to Bro. Felix, they are on the boat now going to Manila.
2008/12/27 Sat PM 01:11:40 HKT
Thanks for updating us, Bro. Romvic.
By copy, Mer/Beng, per our telecon earlier, you may just contact Bros. Pancho or Romvic if you can’t get thru the number which we texted you.
God bless,
Saturday, 27 December, 2008, 12:38 PM
As of 11:45am, Bro Felix reported they have been cleared by the hospital for ambulance transport by 12nn. The travel time will take 6 hours to St. Luke’s Hospital, where they are headed, and where Bro Pancho and I will meet them. Please continue to pray for the best results for Nicole.
They were ambushed last night while on board their brother-in-law’ s car for intended robbery through a road-stretch of banana plantations. Big rocks were thrown at them, hurting Sis Bhing and Nicole. Nicole is conscious and can speak.
Let us please pray for the successful operation or treatment of Nicole. Sis Bhing is out of danger even as her arm is in a cast.
May the good Lord be our strength and protection from the evil forces that surround us.
God bless us all.
Saturday, December 27, 2008 10:21:09 AM
If you wish to send them encouraging or uplifting messages, you may contact them at +09072976480.
Saturday, 27 December, 2008, 9:52 AM
Per Bro. Felix, they are still arranging transfer of Nicole to Manila (San Juan De Dios Hospital). Nicole needs to be operated on due to skull fracture above her left ear. Afragment of the fractured bone has slightly penetrated Nicole’s brain. We are seeking for your help if you know any neuro-surgeon (not necessarily resident doctor of San Juan De Dios) whom they can ask for advices.
Sis. Bhing’s left arm was casted early morning because of broken bone also. Let us be with them in prayers.
God bless,
PS – Their theory behind the ambush attack on their van was hold-up/robbery. Big stones were thrown at them which unfortunately hit Sis. Bhing and Nicole.
Saturday, 27 December, 2008, 12:11 AM
Dear brothers and sisters,
Please include in your prayers the Barraca Family (Felix, Bhing, Nicole & Denise) who are now in Mindoro. They just met an accident. Nicole is currently under observation in BongabongHospital due to head injuries. Bhing is also in the hospital with swollen arm. No conclusive findings yet because hospital facilities are insufficient. The hospital authority is still finding ways for their immediate transfer to the nearest well-equipped hospital. Please pray especially for Nicole who showed unfavourable signs according to Bro. Felix.
Due to communication line difficulties, Bro. Felix will keep in touch later. We’ll keep you posted. For the meantime, let us be one in praying for them.
Thank you in behalf of Barraca’s family.
God bless,